Patty Cake
JoinedTopics Started by Patty Cake
BB Playbook Issues
by Patty Cake inam having issues with font switching to either all caps or a mixture of caps and lower having some other, more minor problems.
anyone know a fix for this?
don't want folks thinking i'm screaming at them when i post.
Anybody here vegan?
by Dagney ini've been considering it for awhile strictly for just general overall health.
i don't take any meds, and would like to keep it that way for as long as i can.
i am a "all things in moderation " type of person but the more i read about excluding dairy and meat, the more i think about doing it.
Door Signs to Prevent Certain Knocks
by Patty Cake ini have not put either of these on my apartment door, yet (amazingly, no jw's knocks here), but thought i'd share these signs i made.
sorry they're fussy, didn't want to upload huge images.. .
I'm Melting....any ideas?
by Patty Cake ini'm living in that zone in the usa which is going thru a super bad heat's been 100-109 f, with a higher heat index and high humidity for more than a week now.
i don't have ac and can't get one - i live in a baseemnt apartment with 2 windows, both of which are too small to fit a the smallest unit i've seen.
i have fans, but it's not enough.
Cougars, Reptiles and Bears. Oh My! Question for Hikers, Outdoor Enthusiasts and Hunters
by Robdar inprofessor and i are going to the smokey mountains next week for white water rafting and hiking.
although i adore animals, i am a little nervous about the wild life i might encounter while on the hiking trails.
in particular i am worried about bears, cougars and snakes.
Can Un-baptized Be Apostates?
by Patty Cake inwhat is the currnent thought on this?
is the bethelite definition different now from the one in the congregations?.
i'm wondering because my bethelite brother suddenly was cold/ stopped talking to me a couple of years ago - after years of communication.
To be a good Jehovah's Witness you must......
by Sour Grapes into be a good jehovah's witness you must:.
have a fear of growing old and be vain about how you look.. struggle to make decisions.. be a nobody who can have power over others.. have a mental disabliity.. have a physical disabilty who wants a cure.. be normal, but have parents who are j.w.'s..
have had bouts of depression.. have a fear of being wrong.. the above are based upon people in the kh.
Patterson Bethelites and Reassignment
by Patty Cake inhi eveyone,.
i grew up in a family of jw's, i was never baptized.
i have two brothers who are elders, one is a bethelite in patterson.